Get Started Now…

Rafting on the Upper Galley with my friends!

How can you get more activity into your busy day? How can you make yourself leave the office early, or put down the remote and get outside? How can you get to the point where you look forward to moving?

The answer to all of these questions is to find an activity you love and think of it as “play.”

Expert advice tells you to exercise 20-60 minutes each day. Many people find it difficult to fit this time into their schedules. Not to worry! Research has shown that 2-3 bouts of 10 minutes each can be effective, and perhaps even MORE effective in burning fat. Using exercise for weight loss is doable!

If exercise is just not your thing, don’t despair; there is still hope for you. Just make an effort to get more activity into each day.

Given a choice between stairs and the elevator, take the stairs. Park a longer distance away from your destination. Get up to change the television channel instead of using the remote. Look for reasons to walk upstairs in your house. Get up and dance during television commercials. Take your dog for a longer walk, or borrow the neighbor’s dog. Look for reasons to be outside. Sweep the porch, pull weeds, and rake leaves.

Each thing that you do counts! Every movement burns more calories than sitting!

For help getting started, check out our exercise plans for weight loss!

Gail, Sheila, and Marian riding bikes in Ireland

Can I lose weight without exercising?

Yes, it’s possible to lose weight without moving, but movement and weight loss go hand-in-hand.

Many experts would have you believe otherwise, but you can sit down all day and decrease your caloric intake and still lose weight.

I can pretty much guarantee though, that you will not be happy with the way you look once you reach your goal weight.

With a decrease in lean muscle mass and an increase in loose skin, you’re going to wonder why you worked so hard to achieve the body staring back at you in the mirror.

Therefore it is important that your weight loss goal includes some form of exercise that firms and tones the muscles in your body.
